DRUGFALL™: The Chemical Apocalypse Playtest Rulebook

Welcome to the world of Drugfall™, a roleplaying game written by Jared Hawk and built on the powerful Fate Condensed engine.

The World Has A Secret
The majority of the world’s leaders are under the control of a drug known as Black Veil, a tool of the Syndicate. Their power grows with every president, general, and CEO they forcibly addict. But there is hope – a few powerful leaders can resist Black Veil, because the drug has a weakness – it’s only activated by the presence of the Y-chromosome.

Women are immune.

The Syndicate behind Black Veil has orchestrated coups and regime changes to replace leaders not under the drug’s control. Their motives appear contradictory, however, as nations under their control have caused wars, economic collapse, rampant crime, and terrorism across the world. Some first-world nations have become battlefields filled with refugees struggling to reach safety.
In other nations, people still go to movies, watch television, and play tennis. For now.

A Desperate Pact
The dwindling ranks of independent world leaders have forged a pact with some of the world’s most formidable criminal organizations to stop the spread of Black Veil.

The combined forces of the allied independent nations and criminal organizations are known as the Coalition. They have formed specialized elite teams around the globe.

Some Coalition teams attempt to infiltrate the Syndicate. Others covertly seek allies in the fight. Combat teams are heavily armed, trained, and equipped with classified military grade weapons, law enforcement/military working dogs, and formidable assault vehicles. Other teams are tasked with relief efforts for the millions of refugees fleeing the chaos and trying to restore peace.

Warriors. Spies. Smugglers. Hackers. Mediators. Engineers. Medics.

Two Worlds, Two Wars: Choose Your Destiny
Players can choose to engage in campaigns set before a limited nuclear strike, focusing on espionage, clandestine operations, and the covert struggle against the Syndicate. Alternatively, they can immerse themselves in a post-strike setting,  where combat and military action take center stage in an effort to stop the apocalypse in progress.

Mission: Sun, Sand, & Stilettos (With Scenarios & NPCs)
Mission: The Waterfront (With Scenario, NPCs, & Walkthrough)
Mission: Decompression (With Scenario & NPCs)
Mission: Sled Dog (Scenario)
Mission: Game Theory (Scenario)
Mission: Meltdown (Scenario)

22 Additional Mission Premises

About Gender & Pronouns
Although this book deals with a fictional drug that only affects people with the Y-chromosome, it doesn’t assume gender identity or pronouns of player characters. The character sheet allows players to designate their own pronouns and chromosomes.

Fate™ is a trademark of Evil Hat Productions, LLC. The Powered by Fate logo is © Evil Hat Productions, LLC and is used with permission.

Digital Edition Available Here

Paperback Available Here







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